Building homes, fostering community, & transforming lives across generations.

Did you know that 74% of Americans feel alienated from their local communities?

Operation Generation aims to combat the negative health effects of isolation and achieve better outcomes for all by fostering connections between the young and old members of a community through multi-generational living.

Join us in making a difference

Our mission is to establish multi-generational micro-communities worldwide that provide a safe environment for all: the strong, the weak, the young, and the old. We’re currently building safe and affordable housing for low-income families in McMinnville, Oregon.

The Community

Each micro-community includes a kitchen with access to low-cost and free healthy meals, a coffee shop with space for meetings and classes, and job and training programs. Plus, we’ll have educational resources and opportunities on campus for all ages.

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Our Partners

A huge thanks to all of you for supporting our work. Email our team to join today as a Business or Corporate Partner!

Meet the Team

  • Andria Shinn

    Executive Director

    Born and raised in the Pacific Northwest, Andria brings her love of innovation, corporate finance, and strategic planning to the team. This project encompasses her "Better Together" philosophy, from the amazing team she's working with to get it done, to the togetherness of the micro community itself—different generations living together and all stronger, safer, and better for it!

  • Joe Pearson


    As a resident and pastor in McMinnville, Joe saw an opportunity to meet a need in his community, and Operation Generation was born. He has a heart to see his community thriving through safe, affordable housing and multi-generational community relationships. His contagious optimism, laughter, and spontaneous attitude inspire people around him to dream a little bigger in their own lives.


What are some benefits of multigenerational communities?

Multigenerational communities offer a range of benefits, such as reducing age segregation and ageism, decreasing social isolation, depression, and loneliness, as well as improving community infrastructure and facilities. This inclusive living arrangement not only enhances relationships but also provides convenient and higher-quality care for both children and adults, contributing to improved mental and physical health for all household members.

Why create multigenerational living spaces?

Multigenerational living fosters stronger bonds between community members, making it easier to provide for children's and older adults' care needs. This inclusive living arrangement not only enhances community connections but also positively impacts overall health.

What services will be offered within the micro-community?

Each micro-community includes a kitchen with access to low-cost and free healthy meals, a coffee shop with space for meetings and classes, and job and training programs. We will have educational resources and opportunities on campus for all ages!

Become a Donor Today

Become a Donor Today

Join Operation Generation in building a legacy of community, connection, and compassion.

Your donation unlocks a space where generations thrive, fostering a spirit of giving, learning, and belonging. Be part of our transformative movement—donate today, and together, we create enduring communities.